Solution Articles

Student Choice Selection - Preferred, Alternate and Substitution
CHOICE ENTRY      Only Preferred courses added  Any choices entered into the Preferred choices will be considered when Load students is run. Loa...
Wed, 8 Feb, 2023 at 10:33 AM
Exam Scheduling
Exam Scheduling    To setup the Exam scheduling you will need to be at the school level   Main Menu, Exams       Step 1  Exam Paramete...
Tue, 31 Jan, 2023 at 9:06 AM
Editing Comment Parameters
  Go to achievement parameters from the Board level > Setup > Marks & comments.   Choose the GO button on the Achievement parameters card.    ...
Fri, 27 Jan, 2023 at 11:49 AM
[More tools] Assign all of a field
OVERVIEW  The functionality of “Assign all of a field” is in the case you would like to assign a specific criterion to an individual, Group, Grade,...
Tue, 31 Jan, 2023 at 8:06 AM
Transfer Student records to another School within same Board
1) From the current enroled School level:  2) Student record >Enrolment > Student Enrolment > School Enrolment > Edit > Change s...
Wed, 25 Jan, 2023 at 12:45 PM
Ontario Reporting - OUAC and OCAS
Every year based on a specific schedule provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education schools need to provide information to College/University for their s...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 8:45 AM
[Attendance] Frequently Asked Questions
When you have issues related to Attendance not showing on Teachers’ ConnectEd portal, here are a few questions which you can review for troubleshooting:   ...
Wed, 11 Oct, 2023 at 4:12 PM
[Completed courses] Course title not showing as per the Ministry directive
When printing Transcript, the title for a Course code is not reflecting the appropriate title.  Issue:  It is a possibility for some reason and at so...
Mon, 8 May, 2023 at 10:21 AM
[Attendance] Student not showing in attendance classes/Homeroom - Duplicate in Register
Not able to see the student in Attendance / Homeroom or in Markbooks, here is one of possible issues.  Issue:  A student was Registered either at the...
Wed, 4 Oct, 2023 at 8:53 AM
Print Admit Slip / Print Individual Register
Two options are provided to print an admit slip for a student Call Home  Call Home > Select the date > Select a student > Edit > At...
Wed, 4 Oct, 2023 at 7:36 AM