This solution article is to explain how to allow students to choose their courses for next year on their student portal.

Step 1: 

  • On the board level, go to Main Menu > More Tools > Security > edsembli CONNECT > GO

  • Under Groups, select 'Student' and Edit.

  • On the PERMISSIONS tab, under Students > Students Record, select both Display and Modify checkboxes for the 'Students Choices' option and save: 

** this modification will give permission to all students at the board to modify their choices of courses on their portal **

Step 2: 

  • On the school level, go to Main Menu > Setup > Class Info  > Courses > NEXT YEAR

  • For each course that you want to be an option of choice for the students, you must select the course and edit, select the checkbox 'Display for student use during course selection?' and save:

These 2 steps will make it possible for the students enrolled as next year to make their selections on their portal:

The student must select the courses and types accordingly and Add to their choises: