The students with conflicts option provides a list of students who were unable to get into all the courses they requested. 

To see students with conflicts choose Scheduling next year > Resolve student conflicts.



Select GO on the Students with conflicts card. 

You will see the type of conflict for each student:


Subjects not yet assigned to periods (Courses not yet scheduled): The student has a preferred course selection, but that course has no classes scheduled.  This may appear when accessing this option before the school’s master timetable is completed. If the timetable is still in progress, do not take the time to resolve any student conflicts because running the load students process may undo all your changes. Use the Unscheduled classes option to see the list of courses that are not yet fully scheduled.  


Conflict (Multiple conflicts (no timetable)): The student was not able to get scheduled into 2 or more of their preferred course selections. The timetable has been left empty so that the school can determine which classes are best to include/exclude from the timetable. Select the student (row click), to open a new browser window showing the edit of the student’s next year’s timetable along with the courses that were not scheduled. Select a cell to schedule the student into a class section (see edit timetable for more info).


Partially loaded (Single conflict): The student was able to get scheduled into all but one of their preferred course selections.  Select the student (row click), to open a new browser window showing the edit of the student’s next year’s timetable along with the course that was not scheduled. 

This information is an extract from the edsembli SIS Manual: Students with conflicts (