Solution Articles

School Schedule – Calendar is set right (needs to change cycle day)
School Schedule – Calendar is set right (needs to change cycle day):   In the school Go to menu > Setup > School Calendar > Go Edit ...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:50 AM
Achievement Profiles Setup and Assigning Parameters
Achievement profiles    Definition Achievement profiles are new to edsembli SIS 1.0. Previously, schools would use Select Terms, Select...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:50 AM
Assigning Timetables (Individual & By Group)
Assigning Timetables This tool provides a quick way to add the same class, or multiple classes, to a group of students. For example, if all students in the...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:49 AM
How to Assign Cohorts
Assigning Cohorts    When creating a cohort, the first step is to go to the board level and go to Setup- Class Info- Cohort Groupings, c...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:49 AM
Attendance - Alternate schedule Setup
Attendance - Alternate Schedules   Calendar: Choose Setup > Board or Setup > School and click GO on the Calendar card.   &...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:49 AM
Attendance Entry- (Half Day and By Period)
Attendance Entry Setup > Attendance > Attendance Parameters   The following fields may appear on the attendance parameters form: Attend...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:49 AM
Provincial Report Card Setup - ON Jurisdiction
Provincial report card setup – Ontario provincial report cards   The K-12 provincial report cards and OnSIS require a specific setup for marks &a...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:49 AM
Add New Student
Add New Student   The process to enter a new student queries the entire board to determine if the record already exists. The search engine uses t...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:49 AM
Add New Classes
Add New Classes   The setup area for classes is used in the following situations: The school has a new class to add.    A cl...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 7:48 AM