Solution Articles

How to create a Quick Report using Advanced search
Situation  When using Quick report, you found that you cannot find some fields, but you can find those fields in Advanced search.  Solution  Step ...
Fri, 8 Mar, 2024 at 2:34 PM
How to setup your Discipline Notes – Infractions / Consequences
Situation  You want to use your Discipline Notes either in your Edsembli or allow your teachers to enter those themselves. When you look, you don’t have...
Tue, 12 Mar, 2024 at 8:34 AM
Explanation of how to assign Compulsory credits into Categories - Completed courses(ON)
You may have questions raising about Compulsory credits when you compare Students records from one Grade to another.  Here is some additional informatio...
Tue, 12 Mar, 2024 at 8:35 AM
Discipline notes – access to Teachers’ Portal & How to enter the information (ConnectEd)
You need to give permission to the teachers individually or to the Group. You will need to go:  More tools > Security > edsembli CONNECT > GO &...
Tue, 12 Mar, 2024 at 8:35 AM
Difference between Discipline notes and Incidents – Student records
Discipline notes are internal use, and this is not reportable to the Ministry   Incidents will be reportable to the Ministry (OSBIE as example thro...
Tue, 12 Mar, 2024 at 8:36 AM
School Board Key Dates for Processing in Edsembli SIS
Please use the following form to submit your key dates This will help us know when you are reserving days for Rep...
Wed, 28 Feb, 2024 at 11:09 AM
Be able to enter Marks & Comments by Student – ConnectEd
Situation   Your teacher is unable to see/have access to the Marks & Comments by Student on the Teacher’s Portal.  Solution  It is permis...
Wed, 28 Feb, 2024 at 10:03 AM
Graduation Requirements Met report- Including Semester 2 classes
1. Select Student Reports > Completed Courses 2. Click "MET" under the Graduation Requirements card 3. Select the Order By: ...
Thu, 8 Feb, 2024 at 7:27 PM
Saving EQAO in excel in order to upload to Ministry
Saving EQAO in excel in order to upload to Ministry  Schools can create the Literacy test under the EQAO card in edsembli, they can then download t...
Wed, 7 Feb, 2024 at 1:22 PM
Dashboard Cards
STUDENT RECORDS  --  This card shows the total number of students enrolled in the school you are currently logged into. Use the handy student records ico...
Wed, 7 Feb, 2024 at 6:21 AM