Keous has the right to validate the Severity classification of an issue, as reported by a Client/Board, and to re-assign the severity accordingly based on an assessment of the issue.

Each issue must be reviewed to confirm that the appropriate Severity is assigned to the issue.  
The criteria for each severity:


Urgent Severity - Application failure causes a substantial failure or rendered the application software not operational the client unable to perform significantly critical function of their job or total stoppage of critical input, output and processing functionalities and features.


High Severity - Application failure causes the client to lose the ability to perform a significant portion of their job requirements in one area of the operational workflow, but still able to perform inputs, outputs and processing within the Application utilizing an alternate work-around normally deemed non-critical.


Medium Severity - application failure causes the client unable to perform a small portion of their job with little or no business impact, but they have the ability to complete all tasks related to performing inputs, outputs and processing within the Application. This incident does not affect work related productivity.


Low Severity - application failure causes the client to be unable to perform a minor portion of their job, but they are still able to complete most tasks with no business impact, but they are still able to perform inputs, outputs and processing within the Application. This incident does not affect work related productivity.