List of Ticket Statuses

Ticket Status
Who should Assigned the Statuses
Definition of Statuses 
Support Team
New Ticket
Support Team
Assigned to Support Agents for Triaging
Under Investigation
Support Team
Ticket is being investigated/replicated for root cause of issue.
Clarification Needed
Support Team
Insufficient details reported in the ticket to start an investigation. Request additional details from requester.
ECNO Review
Support Team
Medium & Low tickets assigned to Wayne Toms
Solution Proposed
Support Team
Resolution of ticket does not require development and can be resolved by the Support Team.
Defect Identified
Support Team
Ticket has entered the Development life cycle
Prioritized by Product Owner
Product Owner
Prioritization of the tickets for Development.
Under Development
Development Team
Ticket is waiting in the Development queue waiting Development
Passed Testing
Quality Assurance Team
Ticket Passed Testing
Ready For Patch
Release Management Team
Ticketing Waiting to be Released
Resolution Published
Support Team
Release send out
Support Team
The Issue is resolved.