Online Forms

Registration, Re-Registration, Permission, Consent

Expectations for a New Online Registration Form
If you are interested in having a new Online Registration/Reregistration form populated, please follow these steps: 1. There are currently two ways fo...
Tue, 25 Oct, 2022 at 4:03 PM
Expectations for Clients Migrating From Easy Register
If you were previously using Easy Register for online registration forms and require the forms to now be populated in edsembli then please consider the foll...
Wed, 26 Oct, 2022 at 2:28 PM
How to clear Easy registration forms so Edsembli forms show
Before the switch can happen from Easy Reg forms to Edsembli forms, you must clear out all your easy registration forms by following the steps below....
Wed, 28 Jun, 2023 at 1:51 PM
How to clear already processed registrations
Board level> main menu> scheduling next year> Year – end roll over> clear online registration data> Go All schools will be selected aut...
Thu, 29 Jun, 2023 at 4:24 PM
How parents view Online registration forms
Parents need to have a connectED account before they can view online registration forms. This link would be provided when the connectED was set up. If th...
Tue, 4 Jul, 2023 at 1:04 PM
How to locate Online registration reference form ID#
If you need to have a reference form ID # for your records, you can locate this on each form that has been submitted.  Go to the school needed>...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2023 at 12:17 PM
Online registration reports
You can run the following datamining view in order to see who has been registering during your registration period.  Board level>main menu> more t...
Fri, 19 Jan, 2024 at 8:18 AM
Manage Online Registration - Permission to Allow Certain Users Read Only Access
New permission has been added from Sprint 104 for online registration. Right now the View/ Modify permission for manage online registration controls ...
Wed, 21 Feb, 2024 at 9:51 AM
Enhancements to Online reg Central office registration cards
We have enhanced the online registration process from central office or school level. Released in Sprint 106 Dashboard card for Central office, waiting ...
Thu, 28 Mar, 2024 at 11:55 AM