If you were previously using Easy Register for online registration forms and require the forms to now be populated in edsembli then please consider the following:
1. There are currently two ways for parents to fill out an online registration form. If the family is new then they can fill out a form through the online registration portal. They will have to first create an account to log in. If the family is currently enrolled at the school and is planning on reregistering for next year they can only fill out the reregistration form through the connect parent/student portal.
2. As a part of your current contact, Edsembli will remake the forms that are populated on Easy Register. The process of doing this will start with the client viewing the demo registration templates we have available on the demo online registration portal: https://connect.edsembli.com/ON/DEMO/CCHS/Portal/Online/StudentRegistration. Users will have to create an account when accessing for the first time. These demo reports will act as the foundation of any custom form.
A Discovery Session will also have to be made where the client provides the changes/additions that need to be done for customizing the registration reports populated on the demo site. A 2-cycle review session will then take place, allowing the client 2 opportunities to make further changes to their custom report.