Web Admin

How to delete and edit IEP records in the SIS
1. Click "IEP" 2. Click here. 3. Click "Delete" 4. Click "YES" 5. Click "FILE" 6. Click "Edit...
Wed, 22 Nov, 2023 at 1:44 PM
How to add/remove grades in SIS Admin
Grades can only be removed from board level, to do this you will need to have the proper board level permissions.  1. Log into the board > main me...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 11:46 AM
Troubleshooting removing grades from the grade table
Trying to remove a grade from the board you may encounter the following error message, the message will indicate student(s) in the school either have the...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 11:47 AM
How to search quick reports for next year grades
In this example I need to run a quick report to identify students who have a next year grade of 9 attached to the records.  1. Log into the school yo...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 11:41 AM
Megaphone icon Contact records
You can find a full list of icons in our SIS Manual, click the link below on how to access our user manuals. Edsembli SIS Manual : edsembli Support ...
Wed, 13 Dec, 2023 at 8:36 AM
Workaround: OSBIE - Visitor submission failing
If you are submitting visitor forms and receiving the following error message: You will need to do the following in order to submit the Visitor incide...
Thu, 18 Jan, 2024 at 9:48 AM
Troubleshooting tips OSSLT Imports failing
If you have requested your file from OSSLT and you tried to import the file, but the following error occurs: Line 2 parse error. String was not recognized a...
Fri, 19 Jan, 2024 at 3:24 PM
Cannot OVERLOAD classes
Some users might not have permission to overload classes when timetabling students. Go to MENU, SECURITY, Pick the account you need to grant permission ...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2024 at 11:16 AM
Marks and comments: Override locked term Permissions
Enhancement: A new permission has been added under Marks and comments: Override locked term. This permission is not granted by default. Granting this permis...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2024 at 11:38 AM
Assign all of a field - next year grade
Assigning next year grade for students to show properly in webservices like myblueprint Step 1 - You will need to run Advanced Search for Next Year only...
Wed, 6 Mar, 2024 at 3:28 PM