The Special Education file contains information on the students flagged as Special Education in the Student School Enrolment batch file.  A student is flagged as Special Education if they meet the following criteria in edsembli:

  • student’s special education status is Active (on the edit form within the special ed. tab)
  • student has a placement setting to specify the appropriate placement type such as fully self-contained, indirect service, partially integrated, resource assistance, withdrawal assistance (use the Placement button within edit special ed. tab)
  • the file date (if entered) on the special ed. tab cannot be after the submission period.
  • Students may have one exceptionality listed (on the edit form within the special ed. tab). If a student has no exceptionality, he/she is considered non-identified.
  • The list of exceptionalities and placement settings are user-defined tables found under Students, Custom Fields/Tables, Special Education, Exceptionalities and Placement Settings.
  • There is a check box called “IEP for all special education students which if checked, will automatically set the IEP flag to True for all active special education students with a placement setting and any exceptionality other than gifted. If this is not selected, then edsembli will use the IEP (checkbox)within the Special Education Tab to determine if the IEP flag should be sent as TRUE.

Note:  if a student has an Active status, but no placement, a warning will appear, and the student will be excluded from the Special Education OnSIS file.