Saving EQAO in excel in order to upload to Ministry 

Schools can create the Literacy test under the EQAO card in edsembli, they can then download the file that is created from the bell.  

Steps to follow: 

Ontario reporting > EQAO > EQAO secondary export 


Do your selections, in this example we want to export the information for the Ontario secondary school literacy test (OSSLT) 

  1. Create file – do your selection(s) > 2) select if applicable > 3) Generate the report > 4) Go to the bell to Preview and or Download 


  1. At the bell, once the process is completed, you can Preview and or Download 

Note that for the Ministry, you need to export the data in .xml 


Once the file is downloaded on your computer, Schools are able to open these files in excel and can save them in that format if need be. In the App version of excel, go to Data, Get Data, From File, From XML. 


Then you can go on the Ministry URL link to upload your file.