1. To Print transcript go to Achievement > Completed courses > School transcripts > Click "RUN"

2. Select by your needs, what you need to print. In that example it will be for a student only. Select Alphabet > check the box Individual > Uncheck First in list > click on select  > SEARCH and select the Student

3. Click here.

4. Click "SELECT"

5. Click "search"

6. Click this button.

7. In Setup - Settings > select Official transcript and other selections you may need

8. In Setup - General / layout > you have the option to select, if you select Print on blank paper.

IMPORTANT: That means that you will print on the Ministry paper without any frame on it.

9. Click "print"

10. Click "OK"

11. Click "notifications"

12. Click on Complete

13. Click "Preview - StuTranscript.pdf"

14. The transcript will show the student information with the actual Ministry requirement including the frame (OSS English - 2021)

15. If you select Print on blank paper and Pre 2022 paper

IMPORTANT: That means that you will print on the Ministry paper without any frame on it.

16. The transcript will show the student information with the previous Ministry requirement including the frame (OSS English - 2009 and prior)

17. If you select Pre 2022 paper

IMPORTANT: That means that you will print on the Ministry paper who will include the frame on it.

18. The transcript will show the student information with the previous Ministry requirement without the frame (OSS English - 2009 and prior) as the frame is already on the Ministry paper.