A student was registered last school year 20222023 at School A in a SHSM Pathway/Program.  They move from the area and are now inactive/withdrawn in our school, 20232024 are we to delete the SHSM program from the student record in OnSIS or do we leave it as Active in OnSIS for this student?



The SHSM program must be left as is (ACTIVE) on a student’s School Enrolment form even if the student does not complete the program (see figure 1 below). The SHSM certification can only be reported once the program is reported. All SHSM program requirements must have been met by the student for the program to be reported in OnSIS, as per the ‘All Requirements Met Date’ located on the SHSM Program form (see figure 2 below). This section should be completed only after the student has completed all the courses, certifications etc. related to that program.


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