
School needs to assign the Graduation requirement to the students.  

*It is not something done automatically. 

Usually, when students start their Grade 9 (High school), School will assign Graduation requirement using the Assign all of a field. 

But in some cases, you may have a student who arrives later in the school year and when creating the student records that was forgotten.  


Here are the 2 ways to assign student(s) their graduation requirement. 

  1. Assign all of a field 

Go to Student tools > Utilities > Assign all of a field > GO  


Then you can in Select by Sort your selection if you want to do it by Grade (as example) - select the grade > In select fields > Achievement > Graduation requirement > area of requirement > In Option, you select the appropriate Graduation requirement > ASSIGN 



In that panel you may also, if requiredcomplete the information for the E-learning opt out 


2. Directly into the Student records 

You can also assign/add it directly into the Student records > Graduation requirement > click on the "+"with the hat