
When reviewing Student records notice some difference in the numbers of Attendance (absences/lates) either on Students report cards or on the Attendance Register. 


Register Attendance (Half Day):  This report will generate a record for each morning or afternoon with an absent type of entry code.  If a student is absent for the morning and the afternoon, there will be 2 records for that student:  one for the morning and one for the afternoon.  This is what the attendance portion of the file will look like for a student who has been given the Sick attendance code for the morning (A) and the afternoon (P):

A             Sick
P             Sick

Note: If this report includes a school that is taking period by period attendance (such as a secondary school), the attendance is converted into am/pm to determine whether the student’s attendance is included in the report. The conversion process will only convert to Absent, Present or Late, and, since this file is reporting absences, only the Absent description will appear for these students. For example, if a school has 4 periods/day, and the student was Absent period 3 & 4 only, the student would be Absent for the afternoon. If the student was Absent period 1 only, the student would be Late for the morning and therefore would not appear in the report.

ii. Period Attendance:  This report is only applicable to secondary schools taking period by period attendance.  The report includes every period with an absent type attendance entry.  This is what the attendance portion of the file will look like for a student who has been given the Sick attendance code for his math class (MAT1Pa) in period 3 and his English class (ENG1Dc) in period 4:

MAT1Pa               Period 3               Sick
ENG1Dc                Period 4               Sick