When running Official transcript for a student and the transcript won’t print and the following error occurs. You will need to troubleshoot the completed courses.
Step 1: Make sure the student has entry to secondary school.
Step 2: Make sure the student has the proper graduation requirements assigned.
Step 3: Run the credit summary breakdown.
Student record>achievement>graduation requirements> change summary to detailed.
Click on the ellipse (three dots) and print requirements.
The following report will be generated in the notification bell> view.
Under the Other credits you can see the numbers don’t add up, if you count the # of other credits it adds up to 14, In this case I have an issue with 2 “other” credits added incorrectly.
You will need to go over each of these “Other” credits to make sure they are setup correctly.
In this example the student should only have substituted one credit for grade 10 Math but 2 other credits had been entered for grade 11, 12. To correct this remove the grade 11 and 12 credits and SAVE
Make sure the correct category is selected, refer to the following solution article if you need additional help Helpdesk : edsembli
Once you have found and fixed the credits you will need to run a recalculate, you will run current or past depending on the student record. If the student is current then you run current, if the student is in the past you will run past. Main menu>Achievement>completed courses>calculate comp credits
Once the recalculate has completed, run the detailed report again and you will see the other credits add up
Now you can run your official transcript for the student.