
You have a student that has changed his/her/their mind and return to school.  You want to bring that student to his/her/their original entry at your school.  When re-enrolling you get an error message: 


Procedure to re-enrol the student 

Go to her student records > Student enrolment > School Enrolment > Edit 

Make the first change for: (recommendation – take a screenshot of it to ensure that you input the correct information) 

1. Status:  This year and next year / This Year 

2. Date: as of today 

3. Entry description: as it was previously 

4. Save 


You will have the window that asks you to create a previous enrolment - say NO 


Then edit again the School Enrolment and change the date back as of the start date of the school year (as the student never left the school) 

After that you will need to go Class info > Timetable > Ellipse - select the Register 

Note : You will see that it will recreate his/her/Their Timetable and, in the Register, if you see the classes in double delete the dropped classes one and modify the Class enrolment start date 


In the case it did not duplicate the classes, just ensure that you change the Class enrolment start date.