When you add an incident from the main menu you will need to select the student. When you add an incident from the student records screen you will be adding the incident directly to the record of the student involved.


To add an incident, choose Incident > Student incidents and select GO from the Add incident card.


The Add incident screen will appear:

Note: Before you can select students, you'll have to populate the required location field. Choose from the drop down list of fields that were created under Setup > Incidents > Locations.


Students involved

Next select the students involved by using the Add icon. The standard Search student form will appear.

Check the boxes beside the applicable students.

Hint: If more than one student is involved, checking the box, and performing another search will keep the original student selection in memory. Make your selections and click SELECT.

Edit student incident details

Once you have selected all of the students involved it's time to enter incident details. Row click and select Edit.


 If you need to remove a student from the incident, select the Delete icon. You will be asked for confirmation.


The Edit student form will appear.


Add an infraction

Infraction details (sub-header) has the Infractions card which lists the infractions (what the student did wrong). Once you have added an infraction, Consequence, Suspension/expulsion program, and Appeal/outcome cards will be available.

To add an infraction use the Add icon on the Add infraction card.

Infraction: Select an Infraction from the drop down list you set up under Setup > Incidents > Infractions.

Primary infraction: If this is the first or Primary infraction, then the Primary infraction check box will be checked.

Violent incident: Default checked or unchecked based on default in Infraction table (e.g. selecting infraction ‘Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person (E02)’ should default Yes

The student’s primary infraction is listed first.  Subsequent infractions can be listed in any order (order of entry would be best if possible).


Edit an infraction

To edit an Infraction simply row click and the Edit infraction card will appear.


To delete an infraction simply select the Delete icon. You will be asked for confirmation.


The Consequences card lists the consequences (what happens to the student as a result of their infractions). The Consequence card will not be visible until you have added an infraction to the Infractions card.

Add a consequence

To add a consequence use the Add icon on the Consequence card.

Select SAVE when you have finished. This will prompt a dialogue message:

Student’s attendance may need to be updated.  Open the student’s record in a new window?

                                        NO THANKS     OPEN STUDENT’S RECORD

The student’s primary consequence is listed first. Subsequent consequences can be in any order (order of entry would be best if possible).

Edit a consequence

To edit a consequence simply row click and the Edit consequence card will appear.

To delete a consequence simply select the Delete icon. You will be asked for confirmation.


 Suspension/expulsion program

The Suspension/expulsion program card details information about the program applied to the student. This section only appears for Ontario.

This section only appears if the student has a consequence that is a suspension or expulsion (based on consequence table where ‘suspension type’ is anything other than ‘none’

Card will have an ADD icon if no program assigned to the student, an Edit icon if info exists.  

Default collapse card if no program assigned to the student.  If expanded, and no program, show empty state message such as “Student has no program. Use the add icon to add the student’s program info.”

  • If a Suspension/Expulsion Program is reported, then Program Status must also be entered

  • If a Suspension/Expulsion Program = ‘Both Academic and Non-academic’, then a Non-academic Program must be selected (NOTE: you can select more than one value)

  • If a Suspension/Expulsion Program = ‘Academic only’, then a Non-academic Program must be disabled/hidden.

  • If a student is suspended for less than 11 days and greater than or equal to 6 days, you must have a Suspension/Expulsion Program type indicated (‘Academic only’ or ‘Both Academic and Non-academic’)  

  • If a student is suspended for more than 11 days or is expelled then only 'Academic and Non-Academic' program should be available in the drop down.

  • Students suspended for 5 days or less can enroll in a suspension/expulsion program but is not mandatory; therefore, no warning message will be generated.

  • If a student has multiple values assigned for ‘Non-academic program(s)’, list them together (e.g. value1, value2).


Add suspension/expulsion program

To add a program select the edit icon. The add suspension/expulsion program form will appear.


Specify details.

Edit a suspension/expulsion program

To edit a suspension/expulsion program simply select the Edit icon and the Edit suspension/expulsion program card will appear.

Select SAVE when you have finished adding fields.



This section only appears if the student has a consequence that is a suspension or expulsion (based on consequence table where ‘suspension type’ is anything other than ‘none’.

Card will have an ADD icon if no appeal/outcome info assigned to the student (Appeal initiated = N), an Edit icon if info exists (Appeal intiated = Y).  


Add appeal/outcome

To add an appeal/outcome select the edit icon.

Select SAVE when you have finished adding fields.


Edit appeal/outcome

To edit an appeal/outcome simply select the Edit icon and the Edit appeal/outcome card will appear.

Select SAVE when you have finished adding fields.