Go to achievement parameters from the Board level > Setup > Marks & comments.  
Choose the GO button on the Achievement parameters card.   

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated  

You are met with a grid of the entire board’s terms and topics, showing all settings (marks, comments, programs).  

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence 


It is usually easier to narrow down the grid by choosing an Achievement profile. To do this, click the Achievement profile dropdown (‘All terms/topics’) and choose an achievement parameter. You can leave this at ‘all’ if you wish.   

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated  

To edit comments, click the Setup parameter dropdown and choose Comments.   

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated  


Editing comment parameters  


Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated 


A comment parameter is defined for all terms, in only the top-level main topic, (in this example: Language (1-6). The comment parameter for the Progress term is a collaborative comment space, as indicated by the asterisk. The comment parameters for Report 1 and Report 2 can be directly edited.   

To remove a comment parameter from a term/topic intersection, choose the garbage can icon on the current parameter definition.  


To add a comment parameter, choose the plus sign icon in the appropriate spot, and enter the values that are required.   

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated 


Width: Enter a numeric value for the width. Remember your units (centimeters or inches)   

Height: Enter a numeric value, or leave it blank to indicate an unlimited height for the comment.  

Font style: Choose from some common fonts.   

Font size: Choose from a given list of font sizes