The functionality of “Assign all of a field” is in the case you would like to assign a specific criterion to an individual, Group, Grade, etc. This functionality helps Board/schools to mass assign instead doing it individually in a very efficient manner. 



Before assigning a field to all, you need to determine which field you will require and if you need a specific date or other information as some request it. 

Assigning the field 

Go to Menu > Student tools > Utilities > Assign all of a field > GO 


First step will be to select to who you want assign for which students’ Status 

Then, select the fields and complete the Options section as required 


In Select by section 

  1. You are able to select filter following different categories including Homeroom, Defined character, Advisor group, Group and Advanced search 

  1. By default, Both This year and next year and This year only are selected, but you may want to include Next year only and/or Withdrawn 


  1. In Selected field you have different categories and in each dropdown menu you will be able to select options. E.g. Class info, you will have sub categories as Grade information and Course selections with their own options 

  1. When selecting an option, you will need to complete the required information