Below are the instructions to print by group, and then instructions to print for all students. 

By group: 

1. Click on the report/label you want to produce> Click Run. On the screen below, click Select. 




2. Click on Search criteria.   



3. To print by homeroom or grade or other options, select the option in the Search criteria. 

4. Select the option you would like in the Search box. 

5. Click the pink search button. 


6. Click the check box on the right in the Search results line. 

7. Click Select. 


8. Click the print button to create the reports. 




To print the entire school, follow these steps: 

1. Click on the report/label you want to produce> Click Run. On the screen below, click Select. 




2. Click the search button. 

3. Click the check box on the right in the Search results line. 

4. Click Select. 




5. Click the create reports button.