Enable / Disable PASI

 Enable / Disable PASI

– From the Board Level go to: 


Menu > PASI > PASI Tools > PASI Service > Enable


2) PASI Tools – Board Level 

Initial Synchronization  
Use to sync PASI Prep data to edsembli.  

- This process will reset the sync service with PASI Prep. 

This includes a comparison of student personal data, school enrolments, course enrolments, and class sections between PASI and edsembli SIS. 

 Note: The Initial sync process can take a couple of hours to complete, depending on the amount of data being processed.   
Tip: We recommend running this at the end of the day, or end of the week if possible, allowing enough time to sync all data.  
 Note:This Initial Sync process runs in the background and will not block any user from accessing edsembli.  
 Currently we don’t have a notification for when the sync is complete. You can ask us to check and let you know. 

Submit Data Not Currently In PASI  


- This process will submit data (sections and enrolments) from edsembli to PASI if a record does not exist in PASI Prep. 

(When no Ref ID exists in PASI).

 Note: This process will not push or replace existing data in PASI, even if the information in PASI is out dated. This is only to submit data to blank fields in PASI Prep.  


 Copy student contact info from PASI  
IMPORTANT: This feature OVERWRITES Student contact info in edsembli for ALL schools. 
- This process pulls student contact info from PASI and overwrites contact data in edsembli for ALL students. All expired address and phone numbers for active students as well. 

 Note: This is usually run for new accounts that is connecting to PASI for the first time and needs to pull data into edsembli or when contact info only gets updated in PASI and needs to mass update all contact info in edsembli from time to time. 

    This feature should not be used to update or sync only a couple of students or individual students,     as those records could be fixed by Pulling or Pushing info from the Student Record directly.  
 (More on this later)    

 Update course enrolment registration status 
- This process is used to update course enrolments registrations for ALL students from “Registered” to “Active”, based on the current administration date, as well as course enrolment start date. 

Note: Currently, this information does not switch automatically. This card is usually used at the start of the second Semester to change course enrolments from “Registered” to “Active”.  

3) PASI Manager
 Menu > PASI > PASI Client > PASI Manager 


 Available tabs running across the top of the screen: 

Students – Summary, Filter by Record types, Alert Types 

Not In PASI – Students in edsembli, but not In PASI (Need to add these students for funding purposes) 

PASI Only Students – Students in PASI, but not in edsembli SIS yet. 

Alerts – All alert types 

Mark Approvals – Pending mark approvals 

Non-PASI Grade Students – All students with a Non-PASI Grade – Grade not accepted by PASI 

Class Sections – Class sections syncing or not syncing with PASI 


Tip: Use the “Record Type” and “Alert Type” filers to narrow down search results and improve page load time. 

Note: The PASI Manager screen does take some time to load depending on the amount of data to process and load.  

From the Board Level, you will have an additional filter to select a specific school. 

From the School level, you will only see the data specific to that school.


Once you click the filter button, you will see a list of students with a dropdown available for each student listed in the results.


Review the additional tabs for specific Alerts. (These tabs will only display if there are alerts for this student record).

Here we can see the Record type, Alert Code, Alert type, Status and Description from PASI: 


 Summary info will show a summary of all alert types by affected Record Type:

3) Student Record Push/Pull & Alerts 

 From the Student Record in edsembli, you will see a PASI Statistics card on Student Record Summary screen: 

Clicking on this card will take you to the PASI Summary Page within the Student Record (Student Record > PASI) 


As you start working through the PASI menu items (on the left) within the Student Record, you will see a PASI Compare window in each of these menu items that compares the data between edsembli SIS and PASI Prep:

Keeping in mind that you will be able to find the information displaying in the edsembli column, within the student record menu items here: 
Any discrepancies will be highlighted and provide you the option to either Push the info from edsembli to PASI, or Pull the information from PASI to edsembli:



Example: Let’s Pull the correct info from PASI, and see that the discrepancy is resolved: 


Alerts, Rejections, Warnings or Discrepancies that are showing up in the PASI Manager screen, will also show on the Student Record > PASI Compare screen:  

 On the Course Enrolment or School enrolment PASI Compare screens, you should be able to select a specific school enrolment periodat the top of the screen, should there be multiple enrolments for the student:

On each PASI Compare screen, you will have access to an Audit History screen to indicate changes made to the student record:


 4) Student Not in PASI 

Here are some areas that will indicate when a Student is not in PASI. 

A) On the PASI Manager Screen > Not In PASI (tab)

B) No ASN. 

    - Some students might not have an ASN yet.  

    - Alberta Student Number (ASN) is created in PASI, and is not an editable field in edsembli SIS. 

C) The PASI icon on the Student Record has a strikethrough. 

D) Warning indication on the student record that the student is not in PASI  


  – Providing an option to Add the Student Record to PASI:



5) PASI Main Menu Student Record – More info 

Please review this link to the SIS Manual:

PASI - Student Records (SIS Manual) 

6) Course Marks – Add Completed Courses 

Please review below resources:

Add Completed Courses 

Waive Pre-Requisites 

7) PASI Exit Date 

Within the Student Record > Enrolment.

The PASI Exit date should be set as the last normal calendar day in the School Calendar. 

Or the last day the student is expected in classes. 

8) Non-PASI Grade 

To make sure this is set up correctly, go to:

- Board Level > Menu > Setup > Grade 

- Add a grade of “N”, titled Non-PASI Grade, Report as different Grade “UG”. 


- To Add a Non-PASI Grade Student, check the following box when adding a new student record: