The information to be entered can be found in OSBIE. Schools need to login to OSBIE and copy and paste the information that it’s recorded in their records into edsembli.
It’s essential to setup OSBIE fields in Edsembli to successfully submit incidents to OSBIE through werbservices.
IMPORTANT: there is a known issue with incidents that do not involve students. These incidents cannot be submitted for now, edsembli is working with OSBIE to solve this issue.
Incidents involving students can be submitted from edsembli.
Board, Setup > Board Info
Edit and make sure all the information entered is the same as in OSBIE
NOTE: Username should start with SG+number
Password is unique and case sensitive
Also important to setup the OSBIE Contact
At School level, the information also must be the same as in OSBIE.
Check under School Setup > School Information > OSBIE Setup
School name, School address and School phone number must be the same as in OSBIE.