Board Transfer to next year process


 Please call us to ensure a backup of your data has been saved before running transfer to next year.


Running the Transfer to New School Year process will lock users out of edsembli until it has completed.


Board Level

  • Board level needs to transfer first

*Ensure all schools have completed end of year processes (ministry reporting, marks updated to history, initialize next school year and Archive Attendance and Achievement)

Go to the Board level from the Dashboard

* Ensure the calendar is not set to show all days, go to SETUP, Board, Calendar and to the Elipses and select Calendar Options

Ensure that the option for Monday to Friday is selected here -- IF you do not want any weekends in your calendar

From the main menu go to Scheduling Next Year, Year end roll over, Transfer to new school year.

Select GO


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Description automatically generated

 Modify the start and end dates if needed, and select START

NOTE: modify first the end date and then the start date to not get an error.

This will then bring you into the message queue.

Once the transfer process has a completed status select CLOSE

*Once the Board has completed their transfer to current you can start the school level transfers


School Level - Elementary

Go to the Board level from the Dashboard

From the main menu go to Scheduling Next Year, Year end roll over, Transfer to new school year.

Choose to transfer the elementary schools

Choose the dates for each of the semesters – any dates are fine (i.e. Semester 2 = December 20; Semester 3= March 28)

Leave the rest as the defaults, and select START

 IMPORTANT RVIEW THIS KNOWLEDGE BASE BEFORE CLICK ON STARTUnit Completed and Sessions - Correct setup : SIS Support (  

This will then bring you into the message queue.

Once the transfer process has a completed status select CLOSE

School Level - Secondary

Go to the Board level from the Dashboard

From the main menu go to Scheduling Next Year, Year end roll over, Transfer to new school year.

Choose to transfer Secondary schools


*Important: A message like the one below might pop-up. This relates to the  Add Completed Courses error log that you might have received with the students that didn't get the marks updated in Completed Courses. If the process has been run and it was satisfactory to your needs you will need to enter No Marks In History in the message box and continue to the next step

Choose the dates for each of the semesters – as an example

 Semester 1, Term 2 = November 8 (these are sample dates, you need to know what dates need to be set for the school)

Semester 2, Term 1 = February 7

Semester 2, Term 2 = April 11

Leave the rest as the defaults, and select START

 IMPORTANT RVIEW THIS KNOWLEDGE BASE BEFORE CLICK ON STARTUnit Completed and Sessions - Correct setup : SIS Support (  

This will then bring you into the message queue.

Once the transfer process has a completed status select CLOSE

Repeat this process until all Secondary schools are completed

Transfer to current - Known issue  (7/18/2022) 


When selecting the following options, you might see an error message appear: 


Our Development team is aware of this issue and will have an update soon. 


If you do see an error, it means that you don’t have any expired digital documents to remove. 

The solution: Uncheck the “Remove expired Digital Documents” and “Remove Task Manager files” checkboxes and try again. 

Transfer to current - Known issue  (7/18/2022) 

Calendar dates:

1) When selecting the calendar dates for the new school year, make sure the dates selected are part of the Board Calendar.

    Example: if setting dates during July and August, make sur these months are part of the Board calendar.

2) Need to select first Course Fees dates, to be able to set the semester dates after. These dates have to be in the new school year calendar.