Scheduling Next year’s tips and tricks


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  1. Initialize scheduling


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  • When you are ready to start scheduling for next year you must run initialize scheduling
  • Students who are graduating need to be set to this year only, exit date, and graduation info. ( in the initialize scheduling screen)
  • Lunches
  • If your school offers a period for lunch, this needs to be set up prior to scheduling classes. Only if you are including that period in your schedule (eg. If you have 5 periods in the day and you want period 3 to be lunch for all students)
  • School Schedule (next year) – if required change the setup for the upcoming school year for semesters/terms/days and periods.
  • Number of semesters, terms, days, and periods need to be defined before you start scheduling.


Snapshots can be taken at any time, this will allow you to move classes around and if you don’t like the placement you can restore the snapshot back and start over.

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2. Schedule classes

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  • Master builder -Automatic   process will automatically schedule your classes

***If you make any changes to your classes and you’ve already loaded students, you MUST load students again to avoid conflicts***

  • Master Builder – Manual allows you to manually make your placements, resolve conflicts

***If you make any changes to your classes and you’ve already loaded students, you MUST load students again to avoid conflicts***

  • Unscheduled classes – Run this to see if there are any classes that are not yet scheduled. Students cannot be assigned to these classes.

***If you make any changes to your classes and you’ve already loaded students, you MUST load students again to avoid conflicts***

  • Timetable of a specific group – allows you to see a master timetable view of a group of classes, including the actual or theoretical number of students who will be scheduled into those classes in each period.
  • Available Teachers – identifies what teachers are available for a specific semester/term/day/period
  • Available Rooms – Identify what rooms are available for a specific semester/term/day/period



3. Assign students to classes


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  • Load students – generates next year’s timetables by assigning students to specific class sections of the courses that the student requested. Students are randomly loaded into classes based on the semester/term and period/day information assigned to the class

***If you make any changes to your classes and you’ve already loaded students, you MUST load students again to avoid conflicts***

  • Add classes – quickly add the same class or multiple classes to the timetables of a group of students
  • Delete classes - quickly delete the same class or multiple classes from the timetables of a group of students
  • Clear timetable – clears timetables of a group of students by removing all the classes from their timetables.



4. Analyze master Timetable

 Graphical user interface, text, application

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  • Analyze conflicts – identify courses that have a large number of students unable to get assigned to classes.
  • Teacher conflicts – looks at teachers with more than one class scheduled at the same time and the classes are not grouped.
  • Room Conflicts – Lists rooms that have more than one class scheduled in the room at the same time and classes are not grouped



5. Resolve student conflicts


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  • Students with conflicts – shows students who have not yet been scheduled into classes due to conflicts
  • Individual student -view/edit a specific student’s timetable
  • Unbalanced timetable – weight of course