Configure Google Authentication for edsembli SIS


1. Login to the Google Cloud Platform

2. Click the drop down to create a new project



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3. Add “Edsembli Authentication” as the Project Name and click CREATE

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4. Next click the CLIENT CREDENTIALS and select OAuth client ID

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5. Next, we need to configure the consent screen. Click on the CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN to being this process.
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6. If you are using a Education or Workplace version of Google select the Internal option otherwise select External and click CREATE

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7. Add Edsembli SIS as the App Name and select the email address to be used as support (this is usually the email you are using to create the app)

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8. The App domain section can be left blank. 




 9. Under that Authorized domain.
Click the ADD DOMAIN
Enter in into the authorized domain field
Enter in an email address that you would like notification to be sent to when changes are made to this project
 Click SAVE AND CONTINUE when done


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10. A scope is not required. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE when ready.
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11. Test Users are not required as well. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE to move to the next step.
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12. At the bottom of the summary page click the BACK TO DASHBOARD button.

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13. Next, we need to setup an API credential

Click on CREATE CREDENTIAL and select API Key

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14. Once the key has been generated, Click on the Edit API key

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15. You can leave the default name for the API and then select the HTTP referrers (Web sites) option.

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16. Select the ADD AN ITEM  under Website restrictions

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17. Enter ** into the Referrer field and select DONE when finished

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18. Leave the API restriction as Don't restrict key and click SAVE when finished

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19. From the main dashboard, click CREATE CREDENTIALS and select OAuth client ID
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20. Select Web application and give it a meaningful name.

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21.Add the link provided for you Edsembli SIS web admin and the links for the ConnectED Staff and Student as required. Click Create when you are done.


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22. Copy your Client ID and your Client Secret (these can be accessed from the Credentials in APIs & Services later.
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