Setup > Marks & comments > Lock/unlock terms 




Clicking GO will bring the user to the following interface. 




The following fields are presented on the main Lock/unlock terms page.  


1. Identifier: alphanumeric field. Identifier in English or French; minimum characters = 1; maximum characters = 5 

2. Term title: alphanumeric field. Term title in English or French; minimum characters =1; maximum characters = 50 

3. Lock status: choices are Locked or Unlocked 

4. Start date: date field – cannot be after end date  

5. End date: date field – cannot be after start date  

6. Schools: Lists the schools which are assigned the term 


Row-click on each record gives two options: 'Lock' and 'Unlock'. 




If this is being done in a school, lock or unlock the selected term in that school.  


When locking or unlocking, please lock/unlock all topics under the selected term.  


CLOSE button on the bottom bar will return the user to the setup page (landing page with all the cards). 


This information is an extract from the edsembli SIS Manual: 
How to Lock or Unlock Terms