In edsembli there are 4 methods of generating reports. Each method has its own unique benefits. Please consider each method before deciding which one will work best for building your report. 

Method 1: Canned Reports 

There are multiple formatted canned reports located throughout edsembli. Below is a list of all the locations where you can access relevant reports 


1.1 Student Reports:

Location: Student reports 

    Within the student reports section of edsembli you can find the bulk of the canned reports. These reports are all grouped by process. For example, there are specific sections for attendance reports, enrollment reports, generic class list reports. These reports provide the user with the ability to filter the students they want to include in the report and will directly export to a pdf file. These student reports also provide the ability to include or exclude specific student information depending on which report the user decides to use.


1.2 Provincial Reports 

Location: Jurisdictional Reporting 

    The Provincial government reports are all located under this section of edsembli. They provide all the reporting necessary for gaining information needed to report student information to the user’s respective government authority. These reports provide the user with the ability to filter the students they want to include in the report and will directly export to a pdf file. 


1.3. Default Report Templates 

Location: Student Reports- Report Builder- Report Viewer, within the report viewer dropdown tables go to Student- Custom Reports 

Edsembli provides each school with multiple formatted templates that allow the user to create reports for printing or exporting to a pdf file. These default report templates include office index, medical condition, student detail, student verification, and many other reports for the user to choose from. The default report templates provide a limited filter that allows the user to decide the exact students whom they want to create the reports for. 

Note: In the scenario that you don’t see these reports, please contact the edsembli sis support team requesting access to them. 


Method 2: Data Mining Views 

Location: More Tools- Data Mining- Export Data 

The data mining views consist of plenty of premade data views that provide the ability to export large amounts of data into a csv file that can then be edited in Microsoft Excel. The data mining views include student marks, student/staff timetables, student choices, student enrollment and many more. This reporting method is meant for the user to be able to quickly generate an exportable table of school/board wide data that can then be filtered for desired information.

In the scenario that the user wants a custom data mining view created, please contact the edsembli SIS support team.


Method 3: Quick Reports 

Location: Student Reports- Popular- Quick Reports 

Quick Reports allow the user to create their own custom reports that can be exported as a table either into a csv file or a pdf file. With quick reports, the user can select the fields they want to include in the report, they can then filter which students they’d like to include in the report. Before running the report, the user can also save the field layout they have selected, providing it with a name and storing it so that they can quickly access it again in the future. 

Method 4: Report Builder 

Location: Student Reports- Report Builder- Report Builder 

The report builder allows the user to run custom report cards, label reports, and reports that need to become digital documents. Users are not able to create any reports for the edsembli report builder themselves. This method is very specific and is mainly used by the edsembli SIS support team to create chargeable custom report cards, labels, and other digital document reports that the user intends to populate on their student/parent Connect portals. With this method of reporting, the user is able to filter the group of students they want to run the report on. 

Note: When requesting a new report to be made, there is a standard one time fee for the creation of a report. The report builder is able to pull report card data as well as student data with the exception of parent contact data. 

Method 5: Report Designer 

Location: Student Reports- Report Builder- Report Designer/Report Viewer 

The report designer is edsembli’s method of creating advanced formatted custom reports for users. The report designer allows exporting to a pdf file or a csv file and can have custom filters applied to it. The default report templates described in method 1 were all created in the report designer. The reports all get designed in report designer and then become viewable in the report viewer. 

Note: When requesting a new custom report to be made, there is a standard one time fee for the creation of a report. If a user wants to get trained on using the report designer, please contact the edsembli SIS support team for a quotePlease consider the previous report methods prior to considering the report designer.

Attention previous Maplewood users: Maplewood reports for printing or exporting are not migrated into edsembli. The only reports that get migrated are the reports located in the Maplewood report builder for report cards. However, in edsembli the student contact info is built differently and therefore, we recommend using methods other than the report builder if parent contact info is necessary for the report. There currently is a developer item being worked on to re All reports without parent contact data should still work fine when running the report builder for report cards in edsembli.