Attendance - Alternate Schedules



Choose Setup > Board or Setup > School and click GO on the Calendar card.



Calendar options

Next, check that the school’s calendar options are setup correctly. To access these options, select Calendar options from the more menu.



There are 3 main setup options: daily cycle, days displayed and alternate days, as shown below.



Alternate days

Every student is assigned an attendance type such as full time, part time, half time. Half time is available for pre-grade 1 (kindergarten) programs. Some schools have half time students come to school for the whole day, but not every day. Choose Calendar options from the more menu on the main calendar screen and select the students attending alternate days check box.


Students with this attendance type will belong to one of four possible alternate day schedule groups (e.g., Half Time Alt. Days 1, Half Time Alt. Days 2, Half Time Alt. Days 3, or Half Time Alt. Days 4). The school’s calendar is set up to indicate which school days the students with Alternate schedule number 1 attend, which days the students with alternate schedule number 2 attend, etc. For example, the students with schedule 1 may attend every Monday, Wednesday and alternate Fridays, while the schedule 2 students attend every Tuesday, Thursday, and the opposite Fridays.


If your school is in this situation, check the “Students attending alternate days” box.



Select the edit icon to set the alternate day rotation. There are 3 possible rotations as shown here:



Custom order: Use this to enter any order. For example, a school has 2 alternate day schedules where the students in schedule 1 attend Monday/Wednesday and alternate Fridays, and schedule 2 attends Tuesday/Thursday, and the opposite Fridays. Over the course of 2 weeks, the rotation would be 1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,2.


Weekdays: Use this option if students attend only specific days of the week. For each day in the week, enter the alternate day schedule assigned to the students who attend that week day. For example, if alternate schedule 1 students attend school on Mondays and Tuesdays only, enter 1 under those week days.


Daily cycle: Use this if the alternate day students attend school on specific days in the school’s cycle. For each day in the school’s cycle, specify the alternate day schedule assigned to students who attend that cycle day. For example, if alternate schedule 1 students attend on days 1 and 3 only, enter 1 under day 1 and 3.


Assigning Students to Alternate Days:

Assign All of a Field

Student Tools > Utilities > Assign all of a Field



Select the individual student and/or the group of students who will be assigned alternate schedules. 



Select the field “Attendance Type” under Grade Information.

The drop down can be used to select the intended Alternate Attendance days.


Student Record

Class Info > Classes > Grade Info

Under Grade Info, the Attendance Type can be edited to have this specific student attend on alternate days.