Add New Student


The process to enter a new student queries the entire board to determine if the record already exists. The search engine uses the student's name, gender and birthdate to find matching records. Records that match the criteria are displayed and the user has the option to select one of the records or enter the student as a new student. If the record exists at another school the student is linked to the existing record and shares the same information including contacts, emergency details, transcripts, special education, and common enrolment fields such as OEN.


The student number automatically generated for a new student will be saved as both their School Student Number and as their GNID. Once assigned, the GNID/Student Number can only be modified through Central Office on the Enrolment tab. Schools do not have the ability to change this value.


Choose Student tools, Add From the main menu choose Student tools, Add student. Then select CURRENT or PAST.


Before you add a new student, verify that the student doesn't already exist in the system.



Enter as much information as you know. Birthdate information is mandatory. Click the Search icon. If there are no matches select STUDENT NOT FOUND.



You will be asked to confirm this is a new student.



Once added the Add new student edit will appear. Fill in the required fields, and anything else you know.



Possible Matches Found

When the student you are searching for is not found with exact information as entered in the search, but possible matches exist, the Advanced Student Search window will appear. You can then choose to ignore certain search criteria.

If students are found, then you can select 1 student (single select only).  If you select 1 student is selected then select the ACCEPT AND ADD button.



The Add new student edit screen will appear. You'll now need to specify the Entry date to this board/division, Entry date to secondary and School year status.