Before sending students info to OnSIS, those students must have an OEN number. The Edsembli Web Admin Portal offers the ability to create a file to request new OEN numbers for students who don’t already have one.

Creating a file to request new OEN numbers

Let's start by following the steps below:

Step 1: Check who's missing an OEN number

Edsembli makes it easy to find out which students don't have an OEN number in the Student Record and may need one.  

To display the list, follow the steps below:

  • From any page click the menu (≡) button, scroll down to Ontario Reporting and expand.
  • Click Ontario education Numbers (OEN).
  • Under Ontario education numbers, click GO in the Students Without OEN card.
  • A list of students with no OEN number in the student records will display.

Take into consideration that not all the students in the list generated using the steps above may need a new OEN number. Some of them only need the field to be updated in student record.

Step 2: Generate the file to be uploaded

Now it is time to generate the OEN assignment request file using the Edsembli Admin Web Portal. To generate the file, follow the steps below:

  • From any page click the menu (≡) button, scroll down to Ontario Reporting and expand.
  • Click Ontario education Numbers (OEN).
  • Under Ontario education numbers, click GO in the Request OEN from Ministry card.
  • Click the Create Batch File button in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • After the file creation is completed click the notification icon (?) to download.

Remember that not all the students shown in the list generated during step 1 will be included in the OEN request file. OnSIS enrolment codes 05, 09, 19, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32. Will be excluded from the file.

Step 3: Upload your file for OEN assignment

Our final step can only be completed outside of Edsembli's Web Admin. You need to Log in to the Ministry of Education’s OEN site and upload the file for OEN assignment processing using the Assign OEN > Multiple Students option.

The steps below may help navigate through the menus:

  • Under Assign OEN > Choose Multiple Students > Choose Submit a file 
  • Click on Choose File 
  • Select the exported file from your Downloads folder > Open 
  • Click on Submit Request. A confirmation message will appear. 
  • Click on Assign OEN > Multiple Students > View Results 

For more information about how to perform certain tasks in the Ministry of education sites please refer to the Ministry's documentation. 

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