Add a MEN number to a Staff Record
Like the OEN for students, the MEN (Ministry Educator Number) is a 9-digit unique number that is assigned to educators in Ontario. This includes Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) members, non-OCT members, some private schools, temporary teachers, and educational services (Speech pathologists). Edsembli requires that this number be entered for educators and this document will show you where to add the information.
1. Click "Main menu"
2. Select 'Staff Records.'
3. Enter the last name of the staff member and select the 'Floating Action Search button.'
4. Select the staff member to be updated.
5. From the 'Staff Records Menu' select the 'Personal' chevron to expand the options.
6. Select 'Name' from the available options.
7. Select the 'Edit Pencil.'
8. Click on the 'MEN#' area.
9. Enter the MEN number. Be sure to enter without spaces or dashes. Edsembli will save it in the correct format. SAVE when finished.