On January 17, 2024, Edsembli will be marking N/A to the first reporting period (Report 1)  for all boards in ON,  as discussed in the ESUG meeting. 

It will be up to the boards after this marking period to update these fields for future reporting periods. Edsembli has provided a tool in order for this process to be applied to schools on mass.

How to assign all of a field for Early Reading screening

You can only perform this action from each school, this cannot be applied in bulk from the board level.

1. Click "menu"

2.Student tools

3. Click "Utilities"

4. Click "GO"

5. Change alphabet to Grade

6. Choose the grade you wish to assign, in this example I am using K

From selected fields choose achievement> EQAO>Early reading screening

7. In this example we want to assign a grade completed as N/A for all grade K students

8. Click "ASSIGN"

9. Once you click assign the task will be created, to view the task follow the steps below. A log file will be created to show the changes in the SIS

10. Click "notifications"

11. Click "GO TO TASKS"

12. Click "Assign all fields" task and choose preview or download 

13. Click "Preview - AsAlFi_StudentUpdateLog_20240115111023.pdf"

The log file will show the school's name, who used the assign all of a field, who was assign and if they were successful.

Student record will show the following > under enrollment> EQAO > N/A applied