Frank has tested and assured this is working. Most boards cannot not allow the forms to be live at midnight and need the forms live at certain times and dates. 

  1. Publish the form using the XML 
  2. Update the PublishDate to the day after the go live date.
  3. Work with CloudOps to schedule the PublishDate to be updated for the Date it is to go live , but schedule the DB update to happen 10 seconds before the go live date. (For NCDSB, we published the form for January 16, 2024 , then at 7:29:50 am on January 15, 2024, the schedule task updated the PublishDate to January 15, 2024.

Notes from Frank: we test both Pubishing and ExpiryDate they work .. only the time doesn't not. So technically, we can do the same thing on the expirydate if there is a specific time that needs to unpublish. 

Also, I spoke to Peter about the deleting the forms, it orphans the form template from the submission. We should expiry the forms as opposed to remove them. We can chat about this.