Two reports have been created in Report Viewer to help you extract math data for the Achievement Action Plan: MathKPI_gr3_6 and MathKPI_gr9. 

Please go into Report viewer in Central Office and navigate to Student, Custom Reports. Find the two new reports on the right: 

Run either report, and choose the school on which to run the report. We recommend running one school at a time due to the length of time the report takes to run, but if you can run more than one in a timely manner, please do. 

The parameters are as follows: 

School Year - the current school year. Information will populate into the 'current' fields in the report if you have run the archive achievement function in this school year. 

School - the school(s) to include on the report

Previous School Year - the school year to look at for the previous math marks and attendance. This also assumes the archive of attendance and achievement was run last year. 

Possible Days - the number of possible days in the previous year's school calendar. Defaults to 187. 

Click VIEW REPORT to see the results. Once the report is finished generating, choose the Export - CSV function: 

The fields in the two reports are described as follows: 


Grade 9 Report
Field NameDescription
ShortNameschool short name
StuNumstudent number
OENstudent OEN
Surnamestudent surname
GivenNamestudent given name
PreviousClassGradegrade of math class from the previous school year
ONRP1Schoolshort name of school from the previous school year
ONRP1PreviousMarkreport 1 raw mark from the previous school year
ONRP1PreviousLevelreport 1 level from the previous school year
ONRP2PreviousMarkreport 2 raw mark from the previous school year
ONRP2PreviousLevelreport 2 level from the previous school year
Grade9Markgrade 9 math mark from current school year
Absenttotal times absent from math class in previous school year
Latetotal times late to math class in previous school year
AttendanceRatepercent student was present in math class based on possible days


Grade 3/6 Report
Field NameDescription
ShortNameschool short name
StuNumstudent number
OENstudent OEN
Surnamestudent surname
GivenNamestudent given name
CurrentStudentGradestudent grade in the current school year
PreviousClassGradegrade of math class from the previous school year
ONRP1PreviousSchoolshort name of school from the previous school year
ONRP1PreviousMarkreport 1 raw mark from the previous school year
ONRP1PrevLevelreport 1 level from the previous school year
ONRP2PreviousMarkreport 2 raw mark from the previous school year
ONRP2PreviousLevelreport 2 level from the previous school year
CurrentClassGradegrade of math class from current school year
ONRP1CurrentMarkreport 1 raw mark from the current school year
ONRP1CurrentLevelreport 1 level from the current school year
ONRP2CurrentMarkreport 2 raw mark from the current school year
ONRP2CurrentLevelreport 2 level from the current school year
Absenttotal days absent from previous school year
Latetotal lates from previous school year
AttendanceRatepercent student was present based on possible days