*The setup is done at Board level and therefore, the options shown here are available through Board level only.
EQAO (Education Quality & Accountability Office) test results may be imported into the School Wide Assessment area in Edsembli and they are retained as part of the student's record for historical reference.
The following steps must be followed in order to import the EQAO results into Edsembli, from a file provided by EQAO:
Board level>Setup>Assessments>
Define the version
Board level>setup> assessments>Versions
Click on the + In this example we will setup Grade 10 Literacy Test > Title, Identifier and Description need to be filled out > Save
Define time period.
Board level>setup> assessments>Time period>GO
Click on the + and add in the time period> SAVE. In this example I will add 2022-2023, I'm going to lock this time period to prevent any changes. Start and end dates should reflect when school starts and ends.
Board level>setup> assessments>Subjects & Strands> Go
Click on the + sign > For this example we are using Grade 10 OSSLT. Title will be Literacy; Identifier example is LI > Save
Define Strands
Board level>setup> assessments>Subjects & Strands> Go> edit the subject you created> click on the + under Strands
Fill out the fields and Save
Board level>setup> assessments> Assessment records & definitions> GO. Enter the title of the assessment, the starting grade (students in this grade and higher may be administered the assessment/test *), and an Identifier. Grade 3, 6 and 9 EQAO Assessments must be defined using the identifier 3EQAO, 6EQAO or 9EQAO (note the last letter is a capital "O", not a zero). 10 EQA0 OSSLT.
* All students in that starting grade will show that assessment in their student record regardless of whether any test results have been entered. For those in higher grades, the assessment/test will only appear in the student's record if the student has results entered.
In this example I will use Grade 10 OSSLT
In this example, the same assessment definitions may be used each year since the assessments were defined without any date references. The time period is separate from the assessment definition, so the user selects the assessment and time period during the entry or import of the test results.
Information on how to import the files can be found in solution article Import Assessments/Test Results Helpdesk : edsembli