The process in Maplewood differs from Edsembli SIS, which is why the adding classes and final marks to completed courses by grade was eliminated.


In Edsembli SIS, we have an Official Mark Completed flag that was not present in Maplewood, when Add completed courses will process those based on the Official Mark Completed flag.


The process now runs only for the classes where the Official mark is done and the completion date has passed, and will be run as different classes/ grades change the flag to completed (you can control when that flag is set). This eliminated the need to do the process by different groups. That is why there is no selection at all in this interface. It is run and rerun as different classes finish and official mark completed flags are set, with no impact. This was not the same in Maplewood, hence the ability to run by group was there. 


As the process is through the Add Completed Courses action, it now runs when the grade 12 are checked off as Official mark completed. Then it will run again when the grade 11s are completed, and so on.