The Report Designer tool is one of the many methods of creating reports in edsembli. Setting up this tool will allow users to access reports in our default report template as well as create/modify new reports. 

To set up the report designer follow the steps below. After the Report Designer user is created the default template report will be populated overnight, becoming available to access the next day through Student Reports- Report Builder- Report Viewer, click the dropdowns Student- Custom. These default reports can be edited through the Report Designer tool.

NOTE: Please inform the support staff of all edited reports so that we can template them and save them to ensure they don't get lost.

Step 1: Create a new staff record at the board level

Go to the board/central office level and add a new staff record. The staff record should have the following information filled out:

Surname: Designer

Given Name: Report

Usual Name: Report

Employee Number: 999999999999 (decrease by 1 if this number already exists)

Gender: Undisclosed

Status: This Year and Next Year

Is Teacher checkbox: Uncheck

Step 2: Create a Report Designer Security Group

While still at the board level go to Security, then click on Groups and add a new group. The following information needs to be filled in for the group:

General- Name: Report Designer

Permissions- More Tools- File Manager- View my Files: Check the Allow Box

Permissions- Student Reports- Custom: Check the Allow Box

Permissions- Task Queue: Check the Allow box

Save the Group and and back out

Step 3: Create the reportdesigner Security Account

While still at the board level, in Security click on Accounts and add a new account. The following information needs to be filled in for the account:

Account Name: reportdesigner

Associate the account with the Report Designer staff record

Associate the account with the Report Designer group

We now have a reportdesigner user set up. We can click on the account to change the password and then log in once the default template reports are populated.