Edsembli Supports 3 Email Options:

  1. Setup your own Gmail / Office 365 Email - Self-managed and owned by you.
    1. Supports All emailing needs - Email Notifications, Account Resets, Report Card Notification
    2. Recommended
  2. Edsembli Reliable Email Services - Supports High Volume and Trusted email - Fee Based
    1. Contact us for Pricing - Open a Ticket with Support - Annual Pricing / Student
    2. Supports All emailing needs - Email Notifications, Account Resets, Report Card Notification
    3. Support must setup
    4. Alternative Recommendation
  3. Edsembl Free Email Service - No Cost - Low Limits - Casual Usage 
    1. Limited number of emails due to limits imposed by services.
    2. Support must setup
    3. Not recommended

Setting up Gmail / Office 365 (Very Similar Configuration)

Smtp Server for GMail: smtp.gmail.com

Smtp Server for Microsoft 365 / Office 365 / O365: smtp.office365.com 

Use SSL: True 

Port: 587  

NOTE: Port 25 is not currently supported

Username:  Gmail or O365 Mailbox name 

Password:  <password of your mailbox> (Self-Managed)

Reply Address: this should be same as your username. (Aliases must be setup with permission if other names are to be used, speak with your IT Administrator for assistance).

Under Board / Setup / Email Settings 

Update Settings for the Board - you can also "Apply to all schools" and "Overwrite existing values" 

Apply to all schools 

If you do not apply to all schools, only the board will have the settings and you will need to manually update each school under School / Setup / Email Settings. 

Overwrite existing values

If an existing value is the fields already, this will force the update to take place and ensure the school has the lates settings.