Publishing Digital Documents to the Parent Portal 


In edsembli the only way to send out report cards digitally to parents is by populating it within the parent portal as a digital document. To set this up you will first have to go to the board/central office level and go to Setup- User-Defined Fields- Digital Document Types. Here you will have to add a new digital document type if none currently exists. You can add multiple if you plan to send different types of documents out to the parent portal. The only required fields when creating the digital document are the ‘Document Field’ and the ‘Ministry Code’. This code can be anything you want it to be. Click save when finished to finalize the new digital document type. 

With the digital document types set up, you can now publish a report as a digital document. Currently all reports located in report builder can be sent out as digital documents. To send out a digital document, go to the school level and go to Student Reports- Report Builder- Report Builder, select the report you want to run and in the setup screen, select the group you want to run the report on. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and check off the box for ‘Create digital documents’, then scroll down to see the new options available. In those options you can check off the box to publish the digital document to the parent/student portal as well as email out notifications that let the contact know the document has been uploaded to the portal. 


You do not have to send out email notifications when creating digital documents. If you do then you can specifically choose which contacts receive the email. When ready click on the pink Create Reports button in the bottom right of the screen to proceed. When the notification bell completes the process, you should be able to click on the complete status and have the ability to open a report that details the success of the emailing. 

Scenario: How do I delete a digital document from the parent/student portals? 

All digital documents that get created will populate in the student record under Personal- Digital Documents. If you delete a digital document here that is also populated in the parent/student portal then it will get deleted in the portal as well. 

Scenario: How do I test if publishing digital documents to the parent portal worked? 

If you have the credentials for a test parent account you can run a report builder report and create a digital document for the student and set it up to get sent out to that parent’s account. If you replaced the test parent’s email with your own then you can even test the email notification process to see what that looks like by allowing the notification to get sent out to that test parent. Log into the test parents account and go to Digital Documents to see the newly populated report. 

Scenario: The notification email that gets send out with the digital document has the incorrect parent portal URL.

Edsembli populates the URL in the email notification from what is entered in More Tools- Security- edsembli CONNECT- Settings. The Application Entry Point URL path that is populated in the settings will need to be updated to what the proper path is. You can do this by clicking the edit button and making the necessary change.