Setting up the CONNECT Groups 


Teachers, Parents, and Students each belong in their own CONNECT groups and have separate URLs to access Edsembli CONNECT. Each group defines its own permissions that act as defaults for any accounts made within that specific group. This way, rather than setting up the permissions for each individual account upon creation, you can decide what permission group they will fall under first, then when created the individual account will populate the permissions defined in the group they were created under. 


Scenario: What if I need to create a new group? 

If groups don’t currently exist or you want to make a new group within the school, then you can go to the Board level and go to More Tools- Security- edsembli CONNECT, click on the Groups tab. Then click the plus icon in the top right section. In the screen that comes up you can set it up for a specific group at a specific school: 

Clicking save will create the group. 

Scenario: Is it possible to create a CONNECT group for a single school to access? 

Yes, you can either create an account at the board level and select the school you want to access it with or you can create it directly at the school level. Note that if you do create the group at the board level then all the editing for naming schema and policy can only be done at that school. If you plan to make a group for multiple schools to use then it is recommended to create the group at the board level.

Editing CONNECT Groups 

To set up the default permissions within a CONNECT group, go to the board/central office level and go to More Tools- Security- edsembli CONNECT, click on the Groups tab. Click on one of the available groups and click edit. 

Whether you are creating a new group or editing an existing group, the following applies to both scenarios. Click on the group and click edit, you will see that multiple tabs are available to be clicked on. Click on the Accounts tab to see the accounts that currently exist under this group.  

Scenario: Why don’t I see any accounts under the group accounts tab when I know I’ve created new accounts?  

The accounts that show up will be directly related to the school that you are viewing the group at. If you are at the board/central office level then don’t expect to see any parent or student accounts populated since they would all be populated at the school level.  

In the accounts tab you can delete existing accounts in bulk at the school level: 


Moving on to the permissions tab, here you can apply the default permissions that all users generated under the group will receive. This can only be done at the board level: 

Any change you make to the group permissions will modify existing and newly made accounts under the group at all schools using this group. 



The Name Schema tab is where the username for each account is defined. Each account username must be unique so it’s important to set a name schema that populates a username that is custom to each account. In the scenario that the schema results in the same username for two accounts, the system will automatically add a ‘1’ to the end of the username for the second account. The number will continue increasing by 1 if multiple accounts receive the same username. This can only be defined at the board level: 


Scenario: Why are accounts with blank or single digit usernames being generated when I already defined the group username schema? 

The fields that you set as the name schema pull from the related fields in the student record. For example, if you set the parent group name schema to be the contact email, if the parent record’s email field is blank then there is nothing to create the username with. This results in the system leaving the name blank for the first case of this, then a 1 for the next case and a 2 for the next case... 

Scenario: My parent group is using the contact email field as the name schema and some parents share the same email. 

It is recommended that each parent contact has a unique email. In the scenario that two parents share the same email then only one parent account should be created for them to access as a family account. It is recommended for all parent contacts to have a populated email field in the contact record. 

Lastly, the Policy tab allows the user to adjust a few administrative settings. This can only be defined at the board level: