Scenario 1


Student has an existing Exceptionality, placement and program entered in the Special Education area in edsembli.  They have a new IPRC meeting and from the meeting the Exceptionality is changed.  When you are updating this student record in edsembli you must end date the Exceptionality, Placement and Program for the day before the IPRC meeting and start the new Exceptionality, Placement and Program for the day the IPRC meeting took place.

When an Exceptionality changes and you end date it, this breaks the links between the placement and program, so they also must be end dated.  That way when you add your new Exceptionality, it will link with the new placement and program.

This is true even if the placement and the program are the same as they were with the other Exceptionality.

By following this simple rule when creating your batch files for upcoming OnSIS submissions the new information will be picked up correctly and submitted to the ministry if needed.