Secondary OnSIS Submission





















Please make sure you have completed the Pre-requisites for OnSIS document before you start your submissions along with Validate OENs in OnSIS


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When OENs are manually entered for students, consider validating all students' OENs. Create an OEN batch file, submit the file to OnSIS, then process the ministry generated results file.


By doing the step above you will alleviate any OEN errors for your students when sending up your batch files.





Table of Contents                                                                                                                             





Edsembli OnSIS Submission Guidelines (select the appropriate submission period when completing this process – we are using October as an example) 3

Purge and Prepopulate4

Download the XML file5

Process Results7

Download results8

Indigenous Self-Identification17

After submitting batch files18

Validation Report 19

Verification Reports21

How to Export Verification reports out of Edsembli (formerly known as statistical report) 24

Sign–off 25

Confirm Sign-off 25

















Edsembli OnSIS Submission Guidelines (select the appropriate submission period when completing this process – we are using October as an example)


Data in OnSIS is updated through the process of creating batch files in Edsembli, uploading those batch files to OnSIS, and then processing the results generated by OnSIS (analyzing the errors/warnings). These 3 basic steps are repeated until all the data is submitted and is accurate. Since files need to be transferred between Edsembli and OnSIS, the steps may seem a little more complicated until you are comfortable uploading and downloading files.


Submit the data in the order of the cards, (wait until you are finished working with the info on one card before moving to the next card.)


Below are the files to be submitted one at a time (wait until the first file is completed and all corrections have been made before you send the next file.  If your location does not offer a program, you do not need to use that file to send to the ministry, only use what you offer.


Class info – Class List and Course segment make this file to send to the ministry.


Student info -make each file separately so it will be easier to fix errors on your students’ information








Other info – Diplomas for non-enrolled students


Educator assignment info – Educator class assignment(s)




Go to OnSIS – Class info -- create


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Check the box beside Class list, Course Segment and also in the Additional options – please note that there is no extract required for October only

– select create batch file in the bottom right

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When the batch file is created, a PDF file will also be generated to show you any potential errors or warnings that have been found. These reports provide an opportunity to correct the data in Edsembli before submitting the data.


If you see Preview – Validation Errors in your task details, you need to review as these are errors that can be corrected before you submit the file.


After making corrections in Edsembli, recreate the batch file.  Note:  you will need to check the purge box this time.


Purge and Prepopulate


Purge check boxes appear when creating batch files. They are an important concept to understand, using them is the only way to send files again using the original extracts. When the box is checked, an instruction is included in the batch file to tell OnSIS to reset specific data in OnSIS back to the state it was when the submission period was first opened.


The purge box is generally selected if you are re-submitting a batch file so that the contents of the previously submitted batch file are cleared, and the data is reset for another attempt.


When the purge box is checked, you may notice the purge box automatically checked the other file options as well. Depending upon the file type, other data may be impacted and automatically purged. Also, additional warning will appear when these purge check boxes are selected to clearly identify what data would be impacted.






Download the XML file


Once the data is clean you will receive a notification in your task queue when your file is ready. The created batch files are XML files, and you can download these files in an area that can be easily found on your computer.


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Hint – quickly see the generated files by selecting the folder icon beside “location of batch files” on the file creation form.


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Once the files are downloaded, they need to be submitted (uploaded) into OnSIS for the submission period you are doing.


In OnSIS, go to Data Collection and then select the Upload Batch file under the School Data Submission area for the appropriate reporting period. Click on the Browse button to select the batch file you downloaded to your computer.


Once you have browsed for the file (and it appears in the box), select the Submit File button. A message will appear indicating that it has been successfully submitted along with a button to upload another file.


In OnSIS, go to the Data Collection – View/Download Batch Results (from the School Data Submission section). The batch files will appear along with the status of Queue, Processing, or Processed.


Note: the status will not automatically update unless you refresh the page.  You do not have to wait until your file processes, OnSIS will send you an email when it has completed.



When the file is processed, click on the file name (blue link) to see the summary of the processing results. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Download Results”, NOT the “Error Details” button.



When you select the Download results button, a prompt will appear to open or save the report. Select the “Save” button and save the file that ends with OUT on your computer so you can easily find it.




Process Results


Go to OnSIS – student info – process results


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Once a batch file has been submitted to OnSIS, the file will be “processed” by OnSIS. The results of this processing will be saved in an OUT file, and it may contain important information about errors/warnings that should be analyzed. By processing this file in Edsembli, a report is generated that clearly provides the results in a concise and easy to read format.


Navigate to File Manager – Hint – you can click on the folder icon on the form that appears when you select any Process button. Select the “add” icon in the File bar. Browse to find the OUT file you downloaded to your computer, click on the file to put it in the file manager

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When the file is visible in the file manager close the window and put a tick in the box and then Process Results File




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You will receive notification when your file is ready in your task queue. The reports will be in PDF format. Hint – quickly see the generated files by selecting the folder icon on the form.



Download results


Download and save to results.

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Based on the results, returned from OnSIS, make the needed corrections to the data in Edsembli.




Go to OnSIS – Student info – create


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Check the box beside Student School Enrolment – please note that the extract files required are already there for you – no need to associate them – select create batch file in the bottom right



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The process for creating and submitting each file is the same as what you did for your first file you have completed.




If you see something on the cards that your school does not offer you do not have to use that file or submit it to the ministry, you can just skip it and move onto what your school does offer.



Go to OnSIS – Student info - create


Check the box beside Special Education – please note that the extract files required are already there for you – no need to associate them – select create batch file in the bottom right


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The process for creating and submitting each file is the same as what you have just completed for all previous files.


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Go to OnSIS – Student info - create


Check the box beside Second Language – please note that there is no extract required for the October submission – select create batch file in the bottom right


New – when creating the Second Language file you will notice it also clicks on the Student School Enrolment box, this is so the file will send the information for any inactive students that were active on the count date.


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The process for creating and submitting each file is the same as what you have just completed for all previous files.




Updating Educators in OnSIS


Compare your staff in Edsembli to your staff in OnSIS educator data so that they mirror each other.  Make all changes on the OnSUS website.


Some hints below to help with this process


  • LTOs should be terminated with an end date
  • ECEs should be teaching/non-teaching with no core elementary teacher box checked
  • Itinerant Teachers (Music, French, phys ed) should be teaching-leading and the core elementary teacher box should NOT be checked
  • ALL homerooms teachers should have the core elementary teacher box checked for that assignment
  • If assignment ended between July 1 to August 31 – withdrawal date equals September 1

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    SPE is SERT– Teaching, Specialty and Non-Teaching with the Instruction type as SED - Spec Ed
  • P is Principal should be N - non-teaching with the Instruction type as ADM – Administration


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Hint: When updating Educators on leave



Health – SickWPay; SickWOPay; LTD

Parental – Mat; Parental Secondment – Secondment Self-Funded – SFL  

Unfunded – LWOP; PartialLOA



If you have any new educators at your site you must add them to the ministry site.





Go toEdsembli -  OnSIS – Educator assignment info - create


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Check the boxes beside Educator class assignment and Run, please note that the extract files required are already there for you – no need to associate them – select create batch file in the bottom right


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You will upload the education class assignment batch file to OnSIS to associate the subjects to your staff.




Please ensure that the correct subjects are assigned to the itinerant teachers as well. If subjects are missing, click on the assign subject in the educator record.



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Navigate to the class area under the School Data Submission


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Please ensure that every course has the appropriate teacher assigned to it.


If the course is unassigned, click on the course code and update with current educator by arrowing from educators assigned to school to educators assigned to course

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Indigenous Self-Identification


Go to OnSIS - More Verification Reports -- Go

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Print the file that is generated.

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Manually update the students who have self-identified as Indigenous accordingly within OnSIS in the school enrolment area.





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After submitting batch files


After all of the data has been updated in OnSIS, all the errors and warnings have been addressed to the best of your knowledge, you must login into OnSIS and start the sign-off process for the submission period.


The sign-off process will run a validation report to ensure that the data is error free and will run verification reports that are checked to see that the numbers and totals are accurate. The numbers in these OnSIS generated reports should agree with the numbers generated in corresponding reports in Edsembli.




Validation Report


Navigate in your school data collection menu to sign-off.

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Navigate to queries, reports and extracts and view reports to locate your validation file




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Check off the validation file and download to your computer

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Open the validation report and review. Correct all critical errors and correct all warnings that need updating. Most warnings are informational only and cannot be corrected but if you see any Critical Errors they must be fixed or your sign off will not go through.





Verification Reports


Navigate in your school data collection menu to sign-off.


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Navigate to queries, reports and extracts and view reports to locate your validation file Within the verification area, check all reports and run immediately.



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Once the reports have been processed then check all generated reports and download selected reports to verification folder.






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How to Export Verification reports out of Edsembli (formerly known as statistical report)



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Ensure the correct submission is selected and click print.


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Save this report on your desktop.


Compare the Edsembli verification reports to the OnSIS reports to ensure all numbers match.






Navigate in your school data collection menu to sign-off.


If OnSIS verification reports match Edsembli data and you have reviewed the validation report warnings, please proceed with the sign off, of your school submission.


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Confirm Sign-off


If warnings exist in your validation report, you will need to confirm sign-off as the last step.


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Once the sign-off process has been completed, the data is locked in OnSIS so that it may not be changed. OnSIS provides a Request Data Correction Option if a submission period needs to be re-opened. 


Re-opened submissions will need to go through the complete sign-off process again after the data correction has been made. If a Data Correction is required, please consult with the appropriate board personnel.


















Populate OnSIS Class code



Your last step for this submission is Populate OnSIS Class code, doing this will alleviate any class codes issue in the next submission.  Edsembli automatically stacks classes that run in the same term, same period, same room, same teacher, so your Average Class Size will be accurate in OnSIS, by doing this last step it will add the correct class codes in Edsembli so when you do the next submission, they will match up in OnSIS


After Sign off, request a NEW course segment extract from OnSIS.   Process the new extract to populate the edsembli OnSIS class code field with the same code recorded in OnSIS.


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When the file has been processed download to a place you can easily find it and process the extract into Edsembli.



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