June Submission - Secondary


Sign into the Ministry OnSIS website https://onsis.edu.gov.on.ca

Make sure the submission period is open in OnSIS and ready for use.

Update all teacher changes on the OnSIS website

Request the CSV files from the previous submission

Go to Queries, Reports and Extracts – Run Extract – SMS Extracts – Extracts List – Data Submission SMS Extract – Academic Year – Submission Period Type – School – Check All – Run Immediately.

Once all files have processed download all in a zip file.  Save in a spot you can easily find so you can import these files into edsembli, to import you must extract out of the zip file.

Edsembli main screen click on the hamburger menu and pick OnSIS, pick the submission period you are doing. (June) we have 8 cards to guide us through this process.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Import and make sure all the CSV files are loaded into the correct site.

  • School BSID number
  • Submission period type
  • Year

Pre-Validate – this card will help you see any errors before you submit to the ministry

Class info – Class List and Course segment make this file to send to the ministry.


Student info -make each file separately so it will be easier to fix errors on your students’ information








Other info – Diplomas for non-enrolled students


Educator assignment info – Educator class assignment(s)



More verification reports – use these reports to balance the different sections received from the ministry.

Verification reports – use these reports to balance the corresponding reports in OnSIS.

Sign off the report on the ministry website.