ONSIS March period - Reference Guide


Overview March Secondary School

The March secondary school submission period applies to publicly funded secondary schools. This submission period captures elemental data based on a March 31 count date.  


Inspected private secondary schools will also use this submission period, however some of the batch file options will not apply to private schools.  Please see Private Schools for more info.


If you are new to OnSIS, or as a refresher with each new OnSIS submission period, take a moment to review these important concepts.  


 Things to check before commencing the 3 step ‘Create/Upload/Process’ cycle:


  • All students have OENs
  • Run pre-validation reports
  • Update educators in OnSIS
  • Semester 1 marks need to be in completed courses (add marks to completed courses)
  • Get extracts from OnSIS


Description automatically generated

 Educators must be updated in OnSIS


Before you start your OnSIS submission please make sure any new educators have been added to OnSIS. You also need to update any educators if they have gone on leave/retired etc. from the school within the submission period you’re working with. 


OnSIS works with the MEN# assigned to the educators. It’s important that the same MEN# is assigned to the teacher in edsembli. 


Once you have the educator’s updates in OnSIS you can create your extracts from OnSIS and upload them into edsembli to create the batch files for your submission.


Please see the manual for more detailed information on how to update the educators 




Semester 1 Marks must be in Completed Courses

The completed courses area is also sometimes referred to as transcripts or course history. After final marks have been recorded, the school runs a process to automatically add the newly completed courses into this area of the student’s record.

Please see the manual for more detailed information on how to Add marks to completed courses:


Upon completion of these steps: 

  • Run verification reports
  • Sign off in OnSIS
  • Populate OnSIS class code


Use the cards to guide you through the March secondary school submission period: